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Journey 65: The Story

It all began with just
a stitch of an idea:
take my Landmark-Age-of-65
and turn it into
a celebration.
Make an exploration of
“life begins now”.
Let it be opportunity
to live in the moment
a letting go,
nothing to prove,
no place to be,
no regrets, only
the possibilities of each moment.
Let it be a layering of experience,
an inner and outer journey,
free and easy,
like free-motion-machine-stitching.
Let it seam together
my life before 65
with my life at this moment
and forward.
Let it string together place, nature,
image, people, culture,
senses, and emotion.
Let it be a simply amazing journey
into the unknown.
And so it became Journey 65.
© 2016 Laurie Hill Gibb All Rights Reserved
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